2025 Pool Membership
It's time! Spring will be here before we know it and the pool will be open! Get your Discounted Pool Pass before May 1, 2025 remember to save the date for our United Dock Diving Event June 20-22.
Our Services
Dock Diving Classes
Dock DivingMake swimming more fun for your dog with our 40ft dock diving pool. Private lessons and group classes available.
Shed Hunt Classes
Shed HuntDiscover the incredible skills of scent and tracking in dogs. Experience the thrill of shed hunt, finding hidden antlers on our course. Choose from private lessons or group classes. Enroll now!
Obedience Classes
ObedienceWhether you're looking to improve your dogs' behavior, train a new puppy, or need more advanced behavioral training, we have the services for every dog. With years of experience in obedience training at various levels, book a private lesson today!
Agility and Rally Classes
Agility and RallyDo you dream of having a highly disciplined dog that can tackle agility courses at top speed? Or perhaps you aspire to have them master rally obedience with absolute precision and timeliness?
Waterfowl Hunting
Waterfowl HuntingFor aspiring hunting dogs, our field hunt classes are the perfect starting point. We offer both private and group lessons. Board and Train are also available. We assess your dog's natural instincts and guide them on their journey to becoming an exceptional hunting dog. Contact us for more details and to book your spot.
Barn Hunt Classes
Sign Up for Barn Hunt ClassFor dog lovers with keen animal detection skills, this barn-based sport is ideal! Using stacked hay bales as climbs and tunnels, your dog will be challenged to locate and alert on hidden rats. Book a private lesson or join a group class today!

Training Podcast
Outfitting, guiding & media for the hunting community....in search of organic food sources and sustainable resources, Jennifer takes us through what makes IronPaws Special and tell us more about training and performance during this fantastic podcast.