Shed Hunt
Shed Hunting Class
Join our Shed Hunt Class and unlock the joy of searching for sheds!
We'll review the details and prepare you for your first Shed Hunt competition. Class is held outdoors so please dress accordingly.
Coming Soon
To register for more than one dog, please select the correct quantity you are registering. Upon completion of payment, a general waiver and class selection will be sent to the email provided at checkout.
We look forward to seeing you in class.
Shed Hunt
Shed Hunting is a fun sport for dogs which involves seeking out and finding antlers which are hidden. This is a fantastic way for dogs to work their minds and enrich their natural senses. If you're interesting in getting into the sport, there are a lot of important aspects to take into consideration. A big part of this is knowing if your dog is initially interested in participating in shed hunting. Many breeds are highly interested in the sport due to their natural instinct to want to search and use scent to track. With that being said, as long as your dog has the willingness to learn and participate, pretty much any dog can start shed hunting!
Private and group lessons are perfect for gauging your dogs' interest in learning! We can work on their drive, listening skills, and scent tracking abilities. This is a fantastic way for your dog to get familiar with shed hunting and start learning before they lead up to classes or competing in trials.
We offer shed hunt trial competitions throughout the year and will be offering shed hunting on Sunday's in November.

Michigan Antler Tee